Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

Pronouns analysis from an articles of opinion about hacker

Pronouns analysis from an articles of opinion about hackers

Hackers are people who learn, analyze, modify, breaks into computers and computer networks, either for profit or motivated by challenges.

Hackers have negative connotations because of the misunderstanding of the community will be the difference in the term hacker and cracker. A lot of people understand that hackers had resulted in losses of certain parties such as changing the appearance of a web site (from defacing), paste the codes of viruses, etc. Whereas they are crackers who use security gaps that have yet to be fixed by software maker (bug) to infiltrate and damage a system. For this reason hackers are usually understood to be two classes:
1. White Hat Hacker is a term that refers to information technology ethically hackeryang shows a weakness in a computer system. A white hat is generally more focused action to how to protect a system, where contrary to black hat is more focused action to how to break through those systems.
White hat or White Hat Hackers is the hero or good guy, especially in the fields of computers, where it refers to the ethical hacker or penetration testers are focusing on securing and protecting IT systems. White hat hackers or Saint, also known as "good hackers, computer security expert" is, which specializes in penetration testing, and other testing methodologies, to ensure that the company's system the information is secure. Security experts is able to utilize a variety of methods to carry out their tests, including social engineering tactics, use of hacking tools, and attempts to circumvent security to gain entry into the secure area.
Characteristic Traits – White Hat Hackers:
Black hat SEO tactics such as utilizing spamdexing, attempt to redirect search results to particular target pages in a way that is contrary to the search engines ' terms of service, whereas White Hat methods are generally approved by the search engines. White Hat Hackers tend to produce good results and is legal, whereas Black Hat anticipate that their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search engines discover what they do.
2. Black Hat Hackers are in general use, a hacker is someone who breaks into computers, usually by gaining access to administrative control. Some argue that the hacker, is described as a person who breaks into a computer by way of breaking through the security systems in the world there are communities of hackers hacker community. This is a community of people who have a great interest in computer programming, often creating open source software. These people are now referring to cyber-criminal hackers as "crackers".
How To Do The Hacking:
·  Hacktivist ; hacktivis is a hacker who uses technology to announce social view, ideology, religion, or political messages. In more extreme cases,hacktivism is used as a tool for cyberterrorism.
·  Compromise a computer ; compromise a computer is a common example of the exploitation of the security adengan how SQL injection, through the security holes that may be caused from substandard programming practices. Other exploits will be used through FTP, HTTP, PHP, SSH, Telnet and a few web pages.
·  Vulnerability Scanners ; A Vulnerability scanner is a device used to quickly check computers on the network for known weaknesses. Hackers also commonly use port scanner port scanner. This is a tool to see the ports on a specific computer to access the computer, and sometimes will detect the version number of the program. firewall protects your computer from intruders with restrict access to ports
·  Password cracking ; Password cracking is an application that captures data packets, which can be used to steal passwords and other data in transit through multiple networks.
·  Trojan horse ; Trojan horse is a program that seems to be doing one thing, but actually doing it is another. A Trojan horse can be used to set up a back door in a computer system such that the intruder can gain access upa seckemudian. (The name refers to the trojan horse of the horse of the Trojan war, with function conceptually to cheat the soldiers for bringing an intruder enters.)
·  The Virus ; A virus is a self-replicating program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable code or documents. Thus, the computer virus behaves similar to a biological virus that spreads by inserting itself into living cells.
·  Worm ; Like a virus, a worm is also a self-replicating program. A worm is different from a virus that spread through computer networks without user intervention. Many people are confused as to distinguish the term "virus" and "worms".
·  Spy Net ; Is a program that automatically spy on the victim's computer, but only its Internet network only instead of computer activity. It is usually entered through message/e-mail from an unknown person via video chat and others.
·  Keylogger Is a program specially created to spy on certain computers in the form of sounds, images or writing. Usually just in-injection via pendriveor USB (Universal Serial Bus).

Not long ago appeared a community named Surabaya Black Hat (SBH) who have horrendous world of Indonesia, Surabaya is a Black Hat hacker group the computer systems of the majority of its members is an IT student by age about 21 years. Do not use their knowledge positively, the Group thus have paved about 3000 computer systems in 40 countries including the United States, one of which, namely the system of Government-owned sites and database of Los Angeles. Later known to their registered as students of the semester VI Stikom Surabaya and incorporated in the Black Hat hacker community in Surabaya (SBH). All three paved known hundreds of sites spread across 44 countries. In fact, the actors dared to break the site belongs to the FBI. Not only that there are also at least four sites of agencies in East Java who successfully compromised. All four of these sites include gresikkab.go.id, malangkab.go.id, jatimprov.go.id, and pa-kotamadiun.go.id, in a single paved this SBH ransom groups about Rp 15 million to Rp 25 million paid through PayPal or Bitcoin. In the year all members of SBH can be pocketed money Rp 200 million.

Various motives behind their hackers (hackers) while daring to break a variety of sites on the internet. One of the factors alleged to be strong as the ability to have self-actualization. the natural process of compromise may actually be done briefly. Even once press enter is complete, if all of the software (software) already prepared. But that length is the steps, because it must collect a certain amount of information on the site to be compromised. Once known, dial her access related information, and so on in the security system, then the perpetrators use techniques that are owned, does wear a SQL Injection or the other. Usually, said Anjik, the target site for hackers compromised is a company that has an online service, hompage, and customer application online. In fact when you create the application of already existing safety standards.
The development of the internet world at this moment has reached a stage that is so fast, so it's not surprising in every corner of the city is found the internet site termpat, which serves a wide range of internet services. Initially the internet was used only to a limited extent in laboratory research and technology at some educational institutions and research institutes, which are directly involved in the project are DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency). But the annual 45 later (now), the internet has spread to the rest of the world, from the Government, large and small companies, NGOs to individuals have much to use it, because of its versatility as a means of communication and the search for record information about the internet year 1998 mentions that an e-mail has been sent to 150 more countries in this world, file transfer (ftp) can reach to 100-an State, and users around the world is estimated to have up to 60 million-Ness people, or 5% of the total seluru population of the world. Then, based on data for the year 1999, internet users around the world through May 1999 has reached 163 million people.
At first, the internet had predicted would suffer destruction by some observers of the computer in the 1980-90s because of his ability at that time only exchange information in one direction only. But getting to the future, the estimates turned out to be a fumble, and now even be a need for the information that is there is no consistently used.
Lately we hear many security issues related to the world of the internet. In Indonesia itself some people have been arrested for using a stolen credit card to buy goods over the internet. A result of this alleged activities of credit card Indonesia hard use on the internet (or even in ordinary shops in foreign countries). Similarly, buyers from Indonesia will be suspected and not trusted by the seller on the internet.
But the beauty of the internet is not as beautiful as its name promised can provide a variety of information that is in any other parts of the world, for a variety of crimes that exist in real life turns out to be more in the world of internet. found Crime on the internet is popular with the name of cyber crime. The existence of cyber crime will be the impact of the bad for the progress and development of our country and in the world at umumumnya. Currently, the internet has become part of our daily lives as one vehicle of communication in the business or for the private. But behind it is still a lot of holes in the internet system weaknesses that could be exploited by hackers for the purpose of not good, such as mail bombs, weapon-unkempt home page, data theft, etc.

Pronoun or pronouns are words that are used to replace a person or thing. There are 5 types of pronouns, that which serves as the subject (Subject Pronouns), object (object pronoun), as an adjective (possessive adjectives), to declare the possession (possessive pronouns), and to declare the self-reflection ( reflexive or reciprocal pronouns). Pronoun generally replace the position of the noun as subject, object or complement. So we can conclude that the pronoun is a pronoun that is used to replace the people, animals, and objects. pronoun in English (Pronouns) are words that are used to replace nouns (nouns), a noun it can be humans, animals, places and abstract concepts. The purpose of the use of the pronoun can be caused by many things such as to make it more concise, a name not mentioned repeatedly in a sentence and the effectiveness of a sentence.
Part Of Pronouns :
1. Personal Pronouns :
A personal pronoun refers to the person speaking, the person being spoken to, or the person or thing being spoken about.
2. Interrogative Pronouns :
Interrogative pronouns are pronouns that introduce a question.
3. Indefinite Pronouns :
Idenfinite pronouns are those pronouns that refer to an uspecified person, place, thing, or idea.
4. Relative Pronouns :
A relative pronoun I sused to introduce a subordinate clause.
5. Possessive Pronouns :
Possessive pronouns are pronoun that show the ownership.
6. Reflexive Pronoun :
Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that are used to show that the subject of the sentence is receiving the action of the verb.
7. Intensive Pronouns
These pronouns are used only to place emphasis on the subject.

Analysis :
- so it's not surprising in every corner of the city is found the internet site termpat, which serves a wide range of internet services. (a relative pronouns)
- technology at some educational institutions and research institutes, which are directly involved in the project are DARPA (a relative pronouns)
- for a variety of crimes that exist in real life turns out to be more in the world of internet.
  (a relative pronouns)

-    But behind it is still a lot of holes in the internet system weaknesses that could be exploited by  hackers for the purpose of not good (a personal pronouns)

Conclusion :
Not all hackers are doing negative activities, sebenarmya doing negative activities against the computer system is a cracker, maybe people who are not too familiar with the life of the home computer said if there is burglary or destruction of the system is a hacker hacker, whereas hackers themselves move in the field positive and generally they are on a white or clean path, Happen a real hacker.

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